Dog Waste Removal Service.
Alfred, our dog, has some tips for the first time dog owner!

Sometimes we would like to buy that doggy in the window because he is so cute. How can anybody resist window shopping?
Alfred knows people are compulsive buyers, and he wants us people to always remember …the reason why most Ferrari’s are painted red is because us people buy based on emotion, and not logic, or need! Everybody wants a screaming red sportster that says … “Hey, look at me!”
But did you ever think about how much that cute little puppy in the window needs a home? Did you ever think about how much you and your family need a steadfast true best friend, maybe a security alarm system that has two floppy ears, a wet nose, and barks?
Dogs are truly the best security system known to man for the last 30,000 years! The time and love you give your friend will be one of the best investments you could possibly make. Do not get mad at your dog when he is barking! He is trying to tell you something!
Alfred wants to remind all of us that emotion-based decisions are not the best choices to make sometimes.
Do not buy that doggy in the window because he projects the image you want!
Often such purchases that are made, are based on emotion and not logic or need. These choices can turn out to be detrimental to the family and the needs of the dog, your best friend.
Choose a breed based on what level of attention, care, and yard size you and your family can provide. Some breeds like smaller breeds may be more nervous than larger breeds. Smaller breeds may need more attention and care. There is no such thing as a one size fits all scenario.
What is next when you bring your little buddy home?
The first thing you should do is research all the veterinarians in your neighborhood. Find one that comes highly recommended.
Once you have made your selection, take your buddy to the vet for a full check up! He will receive a physical wherein the vet can determine if there are any health issues.
Secondly, your buddy can receive the appropriate vaccines at the right time. Thirdly, your vet will have a complete medical history of your buddy.
Should your buddy become ill your vet will be more likely to make the correct diagnosis the first time, thus providing the proper care as soon as possible and saving you time and money.
This point cannot be expressed enough!
Now that he is at home what is the next thing to do?
Make sure the backyard is secure by inspecting the fence for holes, or large gaps, or general dilapidation, and make the necessary repairs as needed.
If your fence is erected over dirt and your buddy turns out to be a little digger encourage him not to dig by using positive reinforcement. Don’t get mad at him! He is curious about what lies beyond the fence.
He must be contained. It is for his own safety. If digging cannot be avoided, dig a trench underneath the fence line and pour in cement. This should prevent your buddy from going under the fence.
There is a section on this website that covers the proper way to train your little buddy by using positive reinforcement. Please see our training tips section.
The next thing after that, is to make sure there is a place in the shade where a doghouse and feeding station can be placed. Preferably on a cement patio, under an awning, and of which could be hosed off from time to time during hot summer days. The awning will provide shade upon the doghouse thus keeping the doghouse cooler!
The feeding station setup is important!
You can purchase an automated dispensary feeding station that dispenses a metered amount of food over a programable time schedule either online or at a good pet store. This will prevent your buddy from overeating and becoming obese, thus reducing your vet bills while keeping your dog healthy.
Remember your dog is just as subject to overeating related diseases like we are. They evolved in a wild natural environment where they had to cover a long distance to find food and water to survive every day.
Your backyard is far removed from the wild!
Be sure to maintain a proper diet. And a lifestyle that includes physical exercise like walking, playing and emotional love and support along with continuous training. These activities are conducive for good health for your buddy!
The watering station setup is also important!
Water is so important! Nobody can live more than 3 to 4 days without water!
Here are some important questions to ask yourself and your vet!
Do you know what the proper water volume intake is for your dog based on your dog’s weight? Do you have the time to clean and fill his water bowl twice every day?
How large must his bowl be for him to have access to the proper volume of water each day? What happens to his E.G.F.R kidney function when your buddy is subjected to long term dehydration since his water bowl is just not adequate.
Your vet can conduct a basic blood panel to determine what your dog’s creatinine levels are and what his estimated glomerular filtration rate is and what it should be.
These are important things to know regarding the health of your dog.
Every dog owner should know about these things.
As far as the water concern goes… there is a great solution!
You can purchase online or at a good pet store a device that screws directly onto the spigot in the backyard. This device is nothing more than a draincock with a pin protruding out of the bottom. When the pin is moved from side to side the draincock opens and water is released!
There is some training involved in teaching your dog how to drink. You will have to lead your buddy to the spigot and wiggle the pin to release water. Your dog will learn where there is an everlasting source of fresh water upon demand!
I hope everybody will get one of these watering devices. You can get one online from called the “Lixit dog faucet waterer”.
Remember dogs cannot sweat. They shed body heat through the evaporation and expiration of water vapor through their lungs. Therefore, dogs pant.
If your dog is panting excessively, this could be a sign of physical stress. Make sure your buddy can get out of the heat by coming inside the house, and if he needs water, he can find a bowl in the house, and if that bowl is dry, he knows where find enough fresh water at the spigot!
And just one last thing to remember, watch the temperature of the pavement!
Always be aware of the temperature of the sidewalk and pavement during hot days. If the sidewalk or pavement is too hot for your feet, it is definitely too hot for your buddy’s feet!
*Ambient air temperature of 77 degrees could result in a surface temperature of 125 degrees!
*Ambient air temperature of 86 degrees could result in surface temperature of 135 degrees!
*Ambient air temperature of 87 degrees could result in a surface temperature of 143 degrees!
At 125 degrees skin destruction could occur within 60 seconds resulting in injuries that may be difficult to treat and pose a complication risk!
Don’t let this happen to your friend!
One thing you can do is to place the back side of your hand to the surface and if you find you can’t hold the back side of your hand there for more than 7 seconds the ground is too hot. A better suggestion would be to purchase an infrared laser thermometer. With an infrared laser thermometer you can constantly scan the pavement temperature as you go in real time, thus avoiding needless injury and suffering, and costly vet bills regarding your friend!
You can find one online, or at a good auto parts store, or even at Harbor Freight.
The Ames 20:1 Infrared Laser Thermometer is more than adequate for the job! They usually run around 50 bucks. 50 bucks is a small price to pay indeed when you consider the cost of vet care and the pain and suffering your friend will ultimately have to endure. This is one of the best preventative measures you could possibly take when it comes to safe guarding your friend’s feet!
These are some good tips to start with…and always remember to call Shovel Up to take care of the rest!
Remember he doesn’t have shoes.
Thank you for taking the time to review our website, and remember to call today for 10% discount for the next 6 months!
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Our Hours of Operation:
Monday Through Friday
9:00 am Through 5:00 pm
We Also Can Provide Service During Non Business Hours As Needed.
Feel Free To Contact Us By Phone 24 Hours A Day. We Will Always Answer the Phone When Doody Calls!
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Do It For Yourself, Do It For Your Family, And Most Of All, Do It For Your Dog. Please.